Diamond Anatomy & Cut Quality
The beauty of diamonds, and the price is quite luxurious, making diamonds into jewelry that has a very high value compared to other types of jewelry.

Understanding the 4 C's of Shopping for Diamonds
The price of diamonds is very dependent on certificates and very detailed specifications, so we must first understand the specifications which are often referred to as 4C Diamonds.
The clarity of a genuine diamond jewelry is determined by the presence or absence of a defect in the diamond. In addition, diamonds must also be free from stains or scratches. The more defects a diamond has, the dimmer its luster will be. Therefore, the clearer a diamond is, the more expensive it is.
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Flawless — Internally
Flawless perfect clarity without any smudges and this type is very expensive and rarely found.

Very, Very Slightly Included 1
The inclusions are very small and very difficult to see even for an expert.

Very, Very Slightly Included 2
Small stains that are still invisible and very difficult to see.

Very Slightly Included 1
Stains or inclusions that are difficult to see.

Very Slightly Included 2
Stains or inclusions that are difficult to see.

Slightly Included 1
Inclusions can be seen at 10x magnification, but not with naked eye.

Slightly Included 2
More inclusions can be seen at 10x magnification, but not with naked eye.

Included 1
Can be seen with naked eye.

Included 2
Can be seen with naked eye.

Included 3
Can be seen with naked eye.
There are several cut diamonds or diamond shapes ranging from emerald, oval, round and others.
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Marquise Cut
This diamond got its name thanks to the wishes of the King of France, Louix XV who loved the smile of his favorite concubine: Mademoiselle Marquise de Pompadour. That's why the shape of the marquise diamond somewhat resembles the curve of a smile. This diamond, which is inspired by the smile of the Marquise de Pompadour, is every woman's favorite shape, because it is very classy and stunning.

Pear Cut
Diamonds with a shape that resembles a pear or are often called teardrops. If you are a woman who makes pear cut diamonds your favorite shape, then you are a warrior who loves all things adventure.

Oval Cut
The circle is not perfectly round but oval. Therefore, these diamonds are called oval diamonds.

Round Cut
It is a very popular diamond cut because it has spread everywhere. This round cut diamond is the most popular because of its round shape and can absorb more light than other diamond shapes so that the sparkle will light up perfectly.

Cushion Cut
The shape of the diamond on each side has rounded corners so that the shine is also very charming.

Princess Cut
The shape of the princess cut is usually box-shaped with sharp enough angles to make a ring shaped like this, reflecting light with a bright sparkle. Are you a woman who likes the princess cut? Most likely, you have the character of a combination of high discipline and feminine demeanor that is very attractive.

Asscher Cut
A diamond cut that is almost the same as emerald but has more angles.

Heart Cut
This diamond heart has a unique shape that resembles a heart. Highly sought after for people who are full of affection.

Radiant Cut
The first square cut (the second is the princess) has a perfectly cut faceted pattern applied to the crown and pavilion, creating a vibrant and lively square diamond. First popular in the 1980s, the angular square shape cut from the glow is a great bridge between pillows and princess cuts, and for that reason it looks beautiful with round or square diamonds.
There are several cut diamonds or diamond shapes ranging from emerald, oval, round and others.
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Perfectly Clear but not Good Value.

The sweet spot - clear and the best balance of quality and value.

Slightly Warm Tint. Depending on situation may be great value.

Noticeably Yellow Tint.
The carat as a diamond gauge is the unit mass equivalent to 0.2 grams (200 mg). Diamonds and other gemstones are measured by weight, not volume. Carat is the size of a diamond, along with color, cut and clarity that will determine the price of a diamond. A diamond with a larger carat size does not always mean better.
The carat size is determined by the ring design. Do you use small or large diamonds? The bigger the diamond, the higher the carat and vice versa.
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Diamond Sizing Descriptions
Karat sebagai pengukur berlian adalah massa satuan yang setara dengan 0,2 gram (200 mg) . Berlian dan batu permata lainnya diukur berdasar berat bukan volume. Karat merupakan ukuran berlian, bersama dengan color, cut dan clarity yang akan menentukan harga sebuah berlian. Berlian dengan ukuran karat-karat lebih besar tidak selau berarti lebih baik. Ukuran carat ditentukan pada desain cincin tersebut. Apakah menggunakan berlian yang kecil atau besar. Jika berlian besar maka caratnya pun semakin tinggi dan begitu sebaliknya.

Diamond Sizing Descriptions
Karat sebagai pengukur berlian adalah massa satuan yang setara dengan 0,2 gram (200 mg) . Berlian dan batu permata lainnya diukur berdasar berat bukan volume. Karat merupakan ukuran berlian, bersama dengan color, cut dan clarity yang akan menentukan harga sebuah berlian. Berlian dengan ukuran karat-karat lebih besar tidak selau berarti lebih baik. Ukuran carat ditentukan pada desain cincin tersebut. Apakah menggunakan berlian yang kecil atau besar. Jika berlian besar maka caratnya pun semakin tinggi dan begitu sebaliknya.